Reflexive Paper – Place Meaning During the Pandemic

Fernanda, Blanco-Vidal, City College

This paper is an alternative to the midterm “fieldwork paper” in which you were supposed to do observations and mapping in public spaces. Since we are now expected not to go outside, the idea with this project is to give you space to reflect on your own experience staying at home and being not able to walk around, visit people, and have in-person meetings. As we have discussed this semester, our relationship to place changes is based on what we experience or what kind of transformations people and places are exposed to. Place Attachment and Place Meaning are in constant transformation, and in this paper, you will be using your own experience to make sense of this transformative and dynamic process.

Expressions of Social Isolation

Dr. Zulmira Áurea Cruz Bomfim, Federal University of Ceará – Brazil

“Diários da Quarentena” (“Quarantine Diaries”, in english) are written affective expressions made by students, professors and collaborators of the Research Laboratory in Environmental Psychology (Locus) during social isolation, in the first half of 2020 in Fortaleza, Ceará (Brasil), resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective of the diaries was to help the group to deal with the difficulties and fears arising from social isolation considering the diversity of affections in the academic environment.