Welcome to the TEPC online repository!

Thank you for visiting this site! You’ve reached the online, Open Education Resource (OER) repository for Teaching Environmental Psychology Critically (TEPC) hosted by The Graduate Center, CUNY and the Teaching and Learning Center. Importantly, you don’t need to be an Environmental Psychologist nor teach Environmental Psychology (EP) to use and contribute to the content on this site. As an interdisciplinary program, EP engages with multiple academic fields like Human Geography, Anthropology, Sociology, and Urban Studies. The pedagogical materials in this repository reflect these diverse perspectives with a critical lens toward political economy, power, and inequality as they intersect with identities and social constructions like race and gender. If you teach a course in a related field or a any course that could benefit from incorporating these perspectives, than the materials here are for you to use and adapt as needed.

How to use this site. There are three main ways to interact with this site: 1) browse the categories (e.g., Syllabi, Assignments, etc.), 2) use the search tool, and 3) filter by tags. All materials in this repository fall in into one of four main categories–Syllabi, Assignments, Activities, Multi-Media. Multi-media includes readings, videos, images, etc. All materials are further organized by tags. For example, content in the Activities category could be tagged as “short (~5-10 mins)” and/or “group work”.